Saturday, September 30, 2006

Homeschooling among Black Families is on the Rise

La Shawn Barber has an interesting post on the rise of homeschooling among black families:

I am extremely pleased to know that the number of homeschooling black families is increasing.

Before I elaborate on the race issue, let’s look at class. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, half of homeschooling families have incomes of $50,000 or less. Three quarters earn $75,000 or less.

Contrary to popular opinion, homeschooling is not a phenomenon of “the rich.” Well-off families often opt to send their kids to private and parochial schools. A high income is not a prerequisite to homeschooling. Having an intact family is more likely the key to successful homeschooling. Somebody has to be the breadwinner. I can’t imagine one parent working and homeschooling.

What I’m about to say next is controversial....

Read the whole thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I home schooled through elementary and then my daughter went to private. My son went to a homeschooling "school". It wasn't legally a school but retired teachers and professor conducted classes in the areas they were either interested in, or were degreed. For example, my son had biology from a retired doctor from the U of W.
We spent thousands on the private school and I don't think it was anywhere near as educational as the "fake" school.
Both kids did well on the SAT's and my daughter graduated from Seattle Pacific U last Spring. She thought the standards were low due to the ignorance of the kids coming out of public schools. My son is in a BS program for internet forensics (or something not understandable to me) and finds that his fellow students can't spell or do math.Shakespeare is not even on the radar.
As a parent, you do what you gotta do and I gave up on public schools many years ago.

10:52 PM, September 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but what if the parents of the kids who are homeschooled arent intelligent, or dont know the subjects..

we create a generation of more stupid people.. and so on.. schools do have one good thing for them, they have access to information home schooling has less access..

3:58 AM, October 02, 2006  
Blogger Freeman Hunt said...

but what if the parents of the kids who are homeschooled arent intelligent, or dont know the subjects..

How would that be different from public school? Teachers are regular people. Some are intelligent and some are not.

3:01 PM, October 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But what if the parents of the kids who are homeschooled aren't intelligent, or don't know the subjects..."

Strawman. Ignorant or unmotivated parents don't get involved with homeschooling-- for one thing, it's too much work.

Homeschooling parents who "know that they don't know" a particular subject can find plenty of support out there.

5:36 PM, October 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Armchair Activist:

We met a few "Average" but highly motivated parents in the HomeSchool network when My Highly intelligent and motivated wife home Schooled the kids.

The "Average" but motivated parents did just fine.

They Bought the Cadillac curriculum just like we did ...

and on average their kids were about a year ahead of their peers in public school, just like ours, on average without the "other socialization" e.g. negative that occurs "on the playground".

My oldest and his brother, interestingly got quite the reputation for looking out for the underdog at public HighSchool and Jr. high when they merged into the public school.

Their method for dealing with public School Bullies --- they punched 'em out. Worked every time, ... 'except that one time in eighth grade with the PC Feminist Principal -- Bully went to the dentist , my kid got the back of the Squad car, but since my kid was rescuing another kid who had been kidney kicked on the sidewalk, no legal or lawsuit repercussions.

Funny -- that stuff never happened in home school.

9:18 PM, October 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Armchair activist: Homeschooled kids and their parents have access to just as much information as anything available in the public schools. Can you say "Internet" and "library"? In fact, homeschooled kids have more access to people in various walks of life, because in the course of their studies, they can go to places of business, fire stations, police stations, and so on, and talk to people; they don't have to wait and hope that the teacher invites interesting people to come to the classroom, or live in hopes of a field trip, once or twice a year. These kids have more opportunities to talk to older people about their experiences in this or that war or other major event, to get more perspective than that found in a history textbook, while their peers are sitting at desks,.

Most parents who choose to homeschool their kids for the sake of their kids' education and better socialization will find tutors or homeschooling groups, as needed. But the best teaching lies in exposing the child to different ways to explore, to find their own answers and information, to work through problems.

This, of course, refers to homeschooled kids who really are being *schooled*. But, then, too many kids in public schools are not being well schooled.

10:30 PM, October 02, 2006  
Blogger Mercurior said...

but then you can have kids who dont meet other kids, and cant relate and need to be medicated.. or become maladjusted..

3:32 AM, October 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do you know that the kids work isnt being done by the parents, if no one teaches.

how do you know certain extremist views arent being taught by the parents to the kids.

i was bullied at school, i was stabbed, but i wouldnt have missed the people i met the people who showed me the world in history, geography etc.. there are more possible abuses for homeschooling than people realise.

in part its really religious people, who love homeschooling, one teacher i know went to a farm one time and the 8 year old said to me "We're homeschooled so we don't lose our Christianity."

i know a woman who is dumb, cant use a computer or anything but wants to homeschool her kids.. she doesnt want them to leave and go to school. not everyone who wants to homeschool has access to a computer or is smart enough.. these are the problems

3:57 AM, October 03, 2006  
Blogger Cham said...

Sometimes home school = no school. I've seen this instance occur in 2 situation, possibly 3. In one case the parent didn't want to be alone during the day so she pulled her child from school to keep her company. The mom never taught the kid anything. In another occurrence the father grew tired of the child's behavioral issues at the local public school and decided to home school. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time nor the patience to deal with the curriculum.

In a third situation, a friend of mine decided she didn't like the local school system, so she decided to go the home school route. But she was a single parent with a full time job, a very busy social life as well as her own hobbies. I couldn't prove it but I got the feeling there wasn't much being done to educate her teen.

Home schooling is great but there isn't much oversight as far as I can tell. The public school system isn't always as good as it could be but at least they try to teach the kids something, which is much better than nothing.

The 3 children I have written about will probably be dependent on their parents for year, which is just the way the parents want it.

8:16 AM, October 03, 2006  
Blogger TMink said...

Armchair activist wrote: "in part its really religious people, who love homeschooling, one teacher i know went to a farm one time and the 8 year old said to me "We're homeschooled so we don't lose our Christianity."

Is there a problem with that? What do you see as wrong in wanting to instill spirituality in your children, and using homeschooling as a way to do it? Do you see it as a problem that people send their children to accredited religious schools?


2:28 PM, October 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home schooling deprives a child of developing social skills in order to deal with the outside world.

They may not get all their own way in schools but they do learn how to cope with good things and bad things that happen to you in a "real life". What I would say to these stupid selfish parents is "get a life and don't destroy your childrens lives"

If they don't know how to deal with situations they could even end up in a similar situation to the Amish tragedy in recent days.

As for religion, religion doesn't keep you, you need to learn how to get out into the world and be able to work for a living.

Anyone can be good for an hour in Church on a Sunday, but its comes down to what people are like the rest of the week.

2:57 PM, October 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the problem is the "blind" faith that some parents teach their kids, it can cause extremist views, look at the problems with muslim homes, a lot of the parents keep their kids at home and teach them and it provides a conduit to hate mongers.

look at some of the teaching that the band prussian blue espouse they were taught that BY their parents, in a normal school world they would get to know and understand others. homeschooling for certain groups/faiths can cause more hate and bad parenting.

3:01 PM, October 03, 2006  
Blogger TMink said...

Gislle posted: "Home schooling deprives a child of developing social skills in order to deal with the outside world."

Really, what makes you say that? You state it as if it were a documented fact. What is your documentation?


4:37 PM, October 03, 2006  
Blogger TMink said...

Armchair, I would agree with you that some faith is sick. Some who do not believe in God are sick as well. Hitler was a veggitarian athiest as I recall. I was worried from your original post that you believed all religious homeschoolers were ill or crazy or worse.


4:39 PM, October 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no not all but a fair few are, they beleive that normal school process of teaching could introduce some bad ideas like evolution theories.. should you teach what you "KNOW", rather than other ideas.. thats the big problem with homeschooling.

if the parents dont beleive in one thing then they would teach it to the kid would they.

and what giselle says is true, kids need to interact with other kids and other adults.. you cannot grow a decent human being in an environment where all their contacts are 1 or 2 people.. they wouldnt be able to understand other people..

sorry for giving that impression tmink, but i have seen how bad "religions" can screw up people, and these people well they are dangerous to themselves and to others, i would say yes homeschool, but also send them for a few years to public school to meet other kids and people..get them to feel part of a group, rather than loners who could because of the teaching or whatever feel lost and alone.

4:22 AM, October 04, 2006  
Blogger TMink said...

Ya know, I do not think it is evolution per se, but we worry that home schooled children will not be good, productive citizens. I bet most of the people in the world have not been exposed to the concepts of evolution. Just as logic and reason or minority viewpoints in the world arena. Really helpful viewpoints that I value and try to use, but I would bet they are a minority world view.

So what do we need all children to be taught or to achieve to be good citizens, home schooled or not? Math, an understanding of the scientific method, accurate, inclusive history, morals, an understanding of our political system, the ability to communicate with and to understand others in spoken and written communication,the ability to protect themselves when necessary, sex education and how to avoid sexual predators, these are some. I also want the children (mine and yours) to have a good (meaning accurate and robust)identity formation as well as strong moral development. It is important to develop empathy for other people.

I want my children to understand our family spirituality, as well as tolerence for and an understanding of other world views. I hope that they can spot Drama at 100 paces and know how to deal with it.

I do not see how good home schooling would differ from good traditional schooling in teaching these important lessons. Bad home schooling would be equally detrimental to bad traditional schooling. I guess I see so much variability in classrooms, much less school, that I am not any more trusting or the government or private run schools to do any better than the average American as a whole.

What do you think?


11:29 AM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i am never going to have kids, ans my fiancee agrees with me, but i have seen the bad more than the good in the UK.

yes teach morals, and try to teach open mindedness for other ideas.

its the totally unregulated homeschooling, with no structure thats the problem, if you want to homeschool thats fine, but there shiould be a group to monitor at least in part whats being taught.. sort of like a yearly test to see how well they are doing, nothing is worse than finding a teenager without the skills needed to live in the world. thats my beef.

3:23 PM, October 04, 2006  
Blogger TMink said...

Again, we agree Armchair. Totally unregulated homeschooling would be fine for some, a disaster for too many. While I have Libertarian leanings, I think that the social need, the democratic need, for an educated public is strong enough to require regulation and oversight.

I do not homeschool my kids. I work Saturdays to pay for a private school. Here in America, more specifically Tennessee, I do not think that the public schools do a good enough job, so I pay for better.

I do think that the homeschoolers need to have an acredited curriculum (never could spell that word) and that the children must pass a test. So that would allay some of our fears. But I do not worry any more about religious folks homeschooling than I do non-religious. Well, except for Muslims. Truth be told, what I have read in textbook translations and seen on their tv channels is inflamatory and worse. Sorry to single them out, but when I see that kind of shit coming from a Christian source, I will do the same.

Trey (ducking)

6:16 PM, October 04, 2006  
Blogger CJ said...

Germany has the right idea, I think...
I subscribe to a number of religious e-groups, and frequently read postings by/for/about parents and children involved in homeschooling. The level of ignorance is appalling... many of these homeschooling mothers can barely write a sentence of correct English themselves, as evidenced from their postings. Moreover, a large percentage of these parents teach reading, writing, and basic arithmetic, and that's IT, because they believe that such subjects as science, history, and the humanities are worldly and are the work of the devil.

7:50 PM, October 09, 2006  
Blogger Mercurior said...

exactly CJ, unregulated homeschooling is worse than schools, however as i have said on other boards grammar isnt really the main point, its getting your idea across in a understandable manner, and people have a typing dialect..

but i agree with your main points, and i have to say how will these kids survive in the real world after homeschooling. at least we will have a lot of burger flippers

4:19 AM, October 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok econ, i see you start with the insults.. the last resort of a inadequate mind.

so i am ignorant, and a criminal then.

people can think, can see homeschoolers, and your basing the entire education of a child on the bible.. that means no computers, no science, they didnt mention it.

i never said i was neglected as a child i had a loving home, with 2 parents, so you let the school do the work for one kid, and you didnt spend any time teaching them. but you did with the others..

calling me dumb again, you miss the point as usual, who knows whats being taught. are you the kind of person who wants to ban darwin as its not real its just a theory, and that god really did created the world in 6/7 days. will you allow your kids to think their own thoughts, or just a copy of yours.. however right you feel it to be, or how wrong it might be.

do you want to kill witches, stone adulterers, will the kids taught the bible want to kill witches and will go and kill them, with the access to guns..

6:32 AM, October 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:00 PM, May 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:45 PM, June 07, 2009  

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