Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

To all my readers who are Dads out there, hope you have a great day. Always remember how important you are in your kid's lives. If you have something fun planned for the day, let us hear about it.


Blogger s1c said...

BBQing with the in-laws and all the brothers and sisters and kids. The one day of the year when we know the grandparents want to see the grand kids all together.

7:42 AM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Derek said...

I'll be mowing the lawn shortly; before church but, more importantly, before the temperature gets out of the lower 70s.

I guess it's a "dad thing" to sacrifice luxury so your kids have a nicely cut lawn in which to play. :)

8:05 AM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Helen said...


How nice.


Your wife should be mowing the lawn today or hiring someone to do it. Or maybe you enjoy it?

8:17 AM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Derek said...

Mowing is an annoying chore, but it is an opportunity for cardiovascular exercise. With all the rain recently, today is the first chance I've had to mow. And as it's going to be 89F and sunny today, mowing earlier seemed the wisest choice.

While I was busy mowing, my wife was busy with our youngest's regularly scheduled nursing. As I'm not equipped to do her job, I'm not going to complain.

10:19 AM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger TMink said...

I got to sleep till 9, then made bagels and lox for the family. I need to pick up a couple of cigars and sit on the front porch and watch the kids play.

Reality came in this morning with the email though. I had one email, an ad for a colon cleanser.


Happy Father's day everyone!


11:23 AM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Danny said...

Happy Father's Day to all you guys who are fathers, s1c, Derek and Trey.
And Derek, I hope your youngest child 'd health improves rapidly.
From the Peoples Socialist Republic of Ann Arbor-where the majority of the population is probably protesting the "oppression" that they have suffered, cuz, you know, all straight men are beasts. The only good males( if you can call em that), who are acceptable to these "liberal and liberated" women , of course are the effeminate homosexuals.

11:47 AM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Derek said...

Danny, thanks for the kind thoughts. However, that's not the type of nursing to which I referred. His health is fine. It's his hunger that's the problem.

To cop a phrase from the Ad Council, "Got milk?" :)

3:46 PM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Maxine Weiss said...

A picnic in the Park, of course .

Happy Father's Day !!!!

4:48 PM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Danny said...

Derek- I now get it!!! :):)
Since I am a single guy, with no experience with little babies and toddlers, I immediately assumed the wrong connotation when I saw the word "nursing". I hope Jr got himself a full stomach,and had himself a happy, contended nap after that "nursing" session.

6:23 PM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger John Doe said...

Can I suggest a particular thought go out to those fathers who are unjustly separated from their children on Fathers' Day? Yes, I am one myself and I'm not looking for your sympathy, I just want it to stop happening, to anyone.

8:15 PM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Sparks said...

My ex-wife tried to ruin my father's day, but didn't succeed. It's been a day of happiness with my kids and to reflect on how I'm doing as a parent.

Overall, I feel good tonight. Spent a great day with my Dad and with my kids. I was generous and kind with my kids and they gave me affection and made me proud, as they showed me how mature they are for their age and they treated everybody around them so well.

My ex-wife did her best to make me miserable last night and today, by trying to accuse me of being a bad father, and by suggesting that my son was really angry with me and had no desire to be with me. She said she was going to prevent him from coming back to my house this weekend, even though it was my weekend to spend with both of my kids.

When I went to pick them up, she told me that if I tried to force him to come with me, she'll call the police. But no forcing would be necessary.

I went there, talked to him and found out that she was making up everything she had said to me. He said he wanted to come with me, and so he did. She was livid with me, because I diffused her attack on me by letting him express what he wanted and that left her eating crow.

Last night he showed a lot of appreciation for me. Today, Father's day, was even better.

My other child witnessed what went down last night and told me she was really appalled at how her Mom treated me.

You know what... I've been trying to make sure that we raise the kids in a cooperative fashion for a few years now, and while I try to be fair and encourage the kids to love her and I take the high road, I just continue to get bashed by her.

But the kids are smart enough to see what really goes on and as they get older they make their own judgments and come to their own conclusions.

Father's day was great today because I realize that my efforts to take the high road have paid off with them. They love me and I love them. And I watch their relationship with their Mom deteriorate because of her self-destructive pursuit of trying to hurt me, and today, I know that I am by far the better parent and that I have kids who believe that.

Mother's do not deserve to be treated better by the courts or by society. It's just wrong that they often are assumed to be the more capable parent or to assume that they deserve more credit, or assets, or custody. Every individual is capable of being a good or bad parent, regardless of their gender.

I saw gender bias in my case, and I fought it. My lawyer wanted me to settle for far less just to avoid court. My advice to Dad's out there who aren't getting a fair shake is to fight it right to the end and don't be intimidated by the courts, lawyers or your spouse.

Your kids will thank you just like mine did today. I'm glad I haven't let them down.

John Doe. I hope you won't give up and will do everything you can to be the best Dad you can given your particular circumstances. Chances are some day your kids will learn to resent their mother for keeping them away from you and you will enjoy their love fully.

11:49 PM, June 15, 2008  
Blogger Larry Sheldon said...

We are a family that has never been able to really understand the broken family thing, although we have always had it all around us.

Wife, middlest daugheter, her husband (from a broken home and a broken marriage) and I had a nice day.

They went to the nursery to get some plants and planted them, I smoked some ribs.

We hat the ribs, potato salad, and deviled eggs (wife made those last night), grilled vegetables and pineapple (daughter--chef, when she isn't driving a Big Truck--did those. Strawberries and french bread (along with the pepper, locally bottled root beer (real roots, real sugar, real water), and tomatoes from the Farmers Market in town. Some corn-and-black-bean-with-southwestern-spices fro Walmart.

Life is good.

(New York lawyer daughter is in New Jersey in court, youngest had to work in Kansas City.)

12:59 AM, June 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time wounds all heels.

What is more important than kids?

7:10 AM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats to the happy fathers that spent time with their kids.

My son, 16, didn't celebrate because his dad is no longer interested in him. The Ex met & married (last month) a woman who hates kids. She does not want my son in her house. And Ex is okay with that.

So kuddo's to the good fathers out there. My son wishes he had one.

12:34 PM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger Sparks said...


Well, congrats to your ex for finding somebody as thoughtless and selfish as he appears to be.

I have a cousin that recently divorced, and his wife (about 40yo) decided that she wanted to go back to acting 20 again. She moved into her boyfriend's, got her tongue pierced, and parties now. She appears to have forgotten that she had kids. The kids are devastated, she knows it, and she doesn't care.

Boggles the mind...

1:34 PM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger TMink said...

sparks wrote: "But the kids are smart enough to see what really goes on and as they get older they make their own judgments and come to their own conclusions."

Amen. Lies sprint while the truth runs marathons.


2:33 PM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger Sloan said...

Thanks, Dr. Helen. I am truly blessed.

We didn't do much for Father's Day, but then we usually don't. I don't want the family to make a big fuss over it, but at the same time I have to admit that I do appreciate it when they do.

The wife and kids bought me a copy of "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett; wife and son had read a loaner copy and thought I would really enjoy it. They were's a hoot! We also had a restaurant lunch with the in-laws, and I called my Dad Sunday morning. I have a couple of things I'll be sending out to him this week...books on surf- and pier-fishing the Atlantic/Gulf coast, which he loves to do.

My son started college today at Georgia Tech, and my daughter did an amazing job at her equestrian competition a couple of weeks ago. We just got back from a beach vacation where we had a wonderful time. I know my children love and appreciate me, and this means much more to me than anything they could have given me on June 16. I'm a lucky man, I know it, and I am profoundly grateful to God for it.

It breaks my heart that so many other dads can't say the same thing.

3:20 PM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger Sloan said...

Correction...I meant to say June 15. :-)

3:21 PM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger Peregrine John said...

Vicki and sparks, I'm so sorry to hear of the sort of nonsense you've been witness to. It is beyond my comprehension that anyone would not want to spend all the time they can with their kids. Mine are my joy, and even that is a gross understatement.

My Father's Day? A pleasant time with my kids, my lady, and my parents, loved beyond all reason. May all of you have a future of just that.

4:10 PM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger Serket said...

For Father's Day I gave my dad some 30-06 bullets and a funny card about fishing. It basically said: Today is Father's Day and it is okay if you want to go fishing. Open up the cover: Here is a small pole for you to use and it included a tiny fishing pole.

We also went to a sage brush area near the mountains so he could practice shooting wild rabbits with a 22 and his 45 handgun. Yes, he did hit one.

6:07 PM, June 16, 2008  
Blogger El Duderino said...

My wife and children brought me breakfast in bed; eggs, Irish oatmeal, fruit and coffee. Along with breakfast there were two father's day cards. One had a woman with a gas mask on the front, inside it said "Happy Farters Day!". The second card had an index finger pointing on the cover, inside it said "Dad, it never gets old". Perhaps I should check out some of those colon cleanser emails TMink mentioned.
Some say parenting requires a lot of sacrifice, I never felt that way. It's been my pleasure and my honor to be a father and a husband.

12:59 AM, June 17, 2008  
Blogger Sparks said...

Duderino... It's the Irish Oatmeal, and if you eat that stuff every morning, I imagine you're colon is very happy and it's just trying to tell you by shouting with joy the only way that it knows how.

8:59 PM, June 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irish oatmeal and colon cleansers........

Yes, comes a time in a man's life when there is nothing quite like the warm afterglow of a good number 2.

6:51 AM, June 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:29 AM, April 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:10 AM, May 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:15 AM, June 08, 2009  

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