Saturday, October 25, 2008

Melanie Phillips: "As I have said before, I do not trust McCain; I think his judgment is erratic and impetuous, and sometimes wrong. But on the big picture, he gets it. He will defend America and the free world whereas Obama will undermine them and aid their enemies.....Here’s why. McCain believes in protecting and defending America as it is. Obama tells the world he is ashamed of America and wants to change it into something else."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who participated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were an incredibly brave lot. That type of intestinal fortitude no longer exists in this nation with the overwhelming majority. Left or right.

Are we afraid to lose what we have, and therefore take the incremental assaults, perhaps hoping someone, somewhere, will make things right someday?

My daughter puts it into focus (God I love my kids) with the frog in the slowly boiling pot of water. Drop a frog in a pot and turn on the heat slowly. He'll stay there and cook. Drop him into a boiling pot of water, and of course he'll jump right out.

I never thought of myself as a chicken before.

12:59 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger Marimba said...

Isn't it lovely to come across views that match our own biases?

I don't know how well you know Ms Philips but I'd suggest she isn't the most credible of commentators. She ranks amongst that most dangerous breed of "stupid intellectual".

The danger of such people is that they are fearless in the certainty of their positions (everybody else doesn't get it), and secondly that they can broadcast their idiocy in terms that are seductive to those easily swayed or predicated to their position (i.e. they can sound authoritative).

The most unpleasant farago she has been involved in in the UK I believe was support of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism in one of our more right wing newspapers. Despite an obviously limited understanding of causal relationships and the nature of credible scientific evidence she banged the drum that spread fear amongst parents concerning vaccination (

The weight of evidence against the initial Wakefield study and a gross relationship is now so great as to be overwhelming. I believe the latest study was published earlier this year. I have yet to hear Ms Philips recant or apologize for the fear she fostered or for her part in the rise in measles cases seen subsequently. She obviously had more important issues to pronounce on such as Barak Obama.......

1:18 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger GawainsGhost said...

Well, Melanie Phillips paints an accurate picture of the stark choice between the two candidates, but she misses the salient point.

Let's assume Obama wins and governs as she fears. How long does she expect the American people to put up with it? I'd say, not very long, maybe six months to two years at the most.

On the other hand, let's assume McCain win and governs as I fear. How long do I expect the American people to put up with it? Six months to two years at the most.

The Founding Fathers were brilliant in their construction of the American system. In the end, the people will always win out. The people will always get the government they elect, but do not always, and in fact seldom do, get the government they deserve.

So it's very simple really. The people elect a government, don't like it, then vote it out.

The American people have more money, more guns and more resources than the entire rest of the world combined. Thus, we can and will handle whatever the ill winds of fate throw at us, even that of our own ill-considered choosing.

To my mind, it doesn't really matter who the President is. No matter what the President says or does, no matter how the President says it or does it, everyone is going to bitch about it.

Only one thing remains constant, free people and their fight against tyranny.

However this election works out, and come what may, in the end the American people will survive.

God bless America.

1:19 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I am not mistaken autism is on the rise world wide, marimba. I read that only recently, and can't remember where.

As you are brand new, with the ink still wet on your profile, and I your only profile viewer, I do wonder what axe you may have to grind.

1:37 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gawainsghost, I would have no second thoughts about sharing a fox hole with you should time and circumstance create.

1:46 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

GawainsGhost --

You and I agree.

2:36 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger Maxine Weiss said...

Uh, Dr. Helen.....your good friend....your chum Kathleen Parker, that pristine specimen of pro-Male exhortation......... has gone completely off the deep-end !

"My husband called it first, Then, a brilliant 75-year-old scholar and raconteur confessed to me over wine: "I'm sexually attracted to her. I don't care that she knows nothing."---Kathleen Parker

"As my husband observed early on, McCain the mortal couldn't mind having an attractive woman all but singing arias to his greatness. Cameras frequently capture McCain beaming like a gold-starred schoolboy while Palin tells crowds that he is "exactly the kind of man I want as commander in chief."
----Kathleen Parker

(Isn't that terrible? I guess Kathleen Parker would rather McCain grimace or scowl during a rally ?)

(Clearly Kathleen Parker grew alarmed by her husband's confessions, and now Parker's become unhinged over a woman isn't qualified because she's too pretty.)

(If Kathleen Parker is having trouble in her marriage, why is she going on drinking lunches with 75-year-old men ????)

(By the way, the title of the article was changed. Get aload of this: In the National Review the byline is "Tragic Flaw: Man". In Townhall it's changed to "Maverick's Tragic Flaw". Hmmmm, I guess Kathleen Parker, who claims to be such a proponent for Men's Rights...didn't want to come off as insulting all men....even though that's exactly what her nonsense diatribes agains Palin's excessive It's an indictment of all Men. THIS is an advocate for Men's rights ????? )

4:54 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger DADvocate said...

Those who participated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were an incredibly brave lot.

Truer than many realize. George Washington, Charles Carroll (considered the wealthiest person in the colonies), Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and almost all those other guys were wealthy with everything to lose and little to gain materially. Should they have failed at their task, they certainly would have been put to death.

Today we have politicians who's main goal is to pass earmarks and bailouts to enrich their friends and cronies while maintaining power and status as long as possible. To his credit, McCain has never proposed an earmark. Obama passed a $1 million earmark to his wife's employer. Expect no courage from him.

6:37 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Freudian slip? I meant frog. At least I think I did.

I never thought of myself as a "frog" before.

I need to proof read what I write before I send it. I never do that.

6:51 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's assume Obama wins and governs as she fears. How long does she expect the American people to put up with it? I'd say, not very long, maybe six months to two years at the most.

This ignores government stasis. We didn't really get rid of either the New Deal or the Great Society, though the politicians involved are long dead. If Obama governs as I fear, the effect will be permanent in that sense. An Obama presidency gives license to organizations like ACORN; with them on the case, we may not be able to vote out his accomplices in Congress.

9:30 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ACORN has already been put out there. We all saw the huge announcement in the "first" bailout. What has been done besides a little bitching? Notta.

And as far as I know, the no doc sub prime loans are still available - provided one is a big enough credit risk to qualify, with a few other particulars involved. Can anyone verify that either way? Just wondering....

10:13 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...

"Let's assume Obama wins and governs as she fears. How long does she expect the American people to put up with it? I'd say, not very long, maybe six months to two years at the most."

Let's also not underestimate the power of the media to make people book good or bad. It took Clinton two years to make such a mess he costs his entire party power after decades of dominance of the legislative branch. Yet, two years later, he got credit for everything good that happened (only after his opponents took over) and was positioned for reelection with the help of the media.

Also, McCain has been a republican media darling for a long time, but he's learning the painful truth that he's only a darling when he sticks his thumb in a republicans eye. He's been a huge critic of the president for years, yet now the media acts like the "McBush" image is fact.

The media will campaign for Obama. Groups like the ACLU and NAACP will paint any criticism as racist, whether it is or isn't.

Not to mention, as another poster said, while we all know the Great Society was a mess, it still exists.

Our country is above to change for the worse, again.

8:41 AM, October 26, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...

One more thing about Clinton is how effectively he positions himself all over the place. When he signs something, he says he's against it but going to change it. When he vetoes something, he says he's for it, but he had to vetoe it to protect us from republicans. And, like a dog returning to its own vomit, the media just licks it up. And their infatuation with Clinton is drawed by their Obamarama.

8:47 AM, October 26, 2008  
Blogger davod said...

I believe the bailout includes a provision that 4.2 percent of all mortgages be reserved for organizations like Acorn. The Demonrat scam continues.

9:09 AM, October 26, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...


True. This mess can be traced back to the Clinton administration's pressing for subprime mortgages. Yet, it has somehow been painted as the sole fault of Bush, people are nostalgic for the Clinton years, and the democrats who caused it are benefiting from it.


"Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people...." New York Times September 30, 1999

9:23 AM, October 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In doing a little research, it appears the following are all populated by democrats:

The Senate Banking Committee.
Subcommittees of the U.S. Senate on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and Subcommittee Chair.
The House Financial Services Committee, Subcommittees, and Sub Committe Chair.

Many of the names have recently come up - a lot, as we all know.

But it's Bush's fault.

9:40 AM, October 26, 2008  
Blogger davod said...

Phillips and Krauthammer are correct. Obama is at best an empty vessel. At worse, if you read his books and assess any value to his associations, he is a closet Marxist.

I do not use the word Marxist lightly. His whole background points in this direction and it is telling that even his more experienced supporters are relying upon him not enacting the more extreme portion of his agenda.

9:47 AM, October 26, 2008  
Blogger TMink said...

I have problems with McCain, but he is not an admitted socialist. Senator Obama is. The link will take you to a 2001 interview in which he criticizes the Constitution for not being pro-government and the Warren court for not being liberal enough.

Lots of wealth redistribution here.

So given the choice, hell, if you understand Senator Obama's positions, there is no choice.


9:49 AM, October 27, 2008  
Blogger Cham said...

Please cite where Obama tells the world he is ashamed of America and wants to change it into something else.

9:12 PM, October 28, 2008  
Blogger Trust said...

Regardless of ones politics or who they support, is anyone else, especially Democrats, troubled by the fact that the mainstream media taught us more about Joe the Plumber's background (for simply asking a presidential candidate if he would raise his taxes, fair question) than they have a democratic presidential candidate.

I know Hannity scrutinizes Obama, Colmes does to McCain, etc., but those are commentators and opinionists. I'm talking reporters.

8:19 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:02 AM, May 05, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:31 AM, May 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:47 AM, June 08, 2009  

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