Monday, February 01, 2010

The Anchoress at NPR "Monsters Inc.? The Lady Gaga And Madonna Parade."


Blogger Cham said...

love lady gaga.

7:05 PM, February 01, 2010  
Blogger blahga the hutt said...

The comments for that article were pretty silly. Most of them were in total denial about Madonna and sex. Um, where they hell were these people in the 80s and 90s?

Whenever I see fans of musicians like Lady Gaga and Madonna complaining about an article that dares to go against them (or any other musician for that matter), I only see that goofball mangina yelling "Leave Britney Alone!"

Cham, Lady Gaga simply embraces the id (very much like most Westerners today). The id is fine for the moment (indeed, that's why it's id), but isn't so hot for the long term.

8:20 PM, February 01, 2010  
Blogger pdwalker said...

Lada Gaga is, in my opinion, actually quite a talented performer.

It'll be interesting to watch how her career develops over the coming decade.

1:01 AM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Anwn said...

I find Lady Gaga to be very compelling.

I was watching some videos of her on youtube with my wife and we were just enjoying the spectacle of it - it really reminded me of how videos used to be in the 80s.

Also, I had only seen her in masks before but she is quite fetching.

5:29 AM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Dr. Helen, et al.
RE: Why....

....e each of us house "inner monsters" of ego, selfishness, rage, manipulation or superior disdain.

What she does not say — because she cannot yet know — is where the unleashing of millions of pent-up monsters may lead.
-- Article on Monster Gaga I reminded of monsters from the Id? And what happened to Krell civilization when they let loose their 'inner monsters'.


[Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not. -- Isaac Asimov]

P.S. Be careful what you wish for.....

5:41 AM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Dr. Helen
RE: Additional Thought

Isn't your movie Six about letting loose your 'inner monster'?

I'm getting the impression of a certain degree of cognitive dissonance, here.


[There will come to you at times a blinding vision that fills your eyes and mind, announcing itself as Truth. Step back and strike down this vision, and beat it as though it were a brain-sucking monster. Then, with it lying there limp, bent, and tarnished, if it still claims to be Truth, accept it with great caution, remembering that the most dangerous lies arrive in the most highly polished armor. -- Barry B. Longyear]

5:55 AM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Helen said...


Just because I link to something doesn't mean I agree with it. And no, my movie is not about letting loose your "inner monster," it is about learning to control it.

6:08 AM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Dr. Helen
RE: Six: The Movie movie is not about letting loose your "inner monster," it is about learning to control it. -- Dr. Helen

My apologies for not expressing myself properly.

Your movie, Six, was about people who let loose their inner monsters. And the subsequent result, mayhem and murder.

As for the article with the link to the NPR interview, I would suggest a statement about YOUR opinion. Or are you doing some primary research here?


[Copy from another: plagiarism. Copy from many: research.]

6:44 AM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Helen said...


Okay, I get what you're saying about Six.

Also, I don't always have time to express my opinion but I often have posts or articles I want to share.

9:42 AM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger blahga the hutt said...

pdwalker and Anwn,

Thank you for proving my point concerning "Leave Britney Alone!"

My comment had nothing to do with Lady Gaga's musical talents. I personally like the music and beat of "Poker Face" (although I think the lyrics are pretty asinine).

My comment was regarding her idea of pushing the id complex to absurd lengths. Any society that decides to ignore the long term and focus exclusively on the moment is bound to fail eventually. So while I think Lady Gaga has some talent, I think her ideas are pretty stupid.


I think it highly intriguing that you brought up the 80's videos and the idea of "spectacle."

I grew up in the 80's and I love the videos then (I mean, who doesn't love Video Killed the Radio Star?).

However, I do recall 80's videos as being pretty campy or even making points. Lady Gaga simply emphasizes the id in her music (I mean, listen to the lyrics in Poker Face). It's all about style but little about substance. Contrast that, for example, with the 80's song "Glamorous Life" by Sheila E (as she says, it ain't much). That was about the substance. Yes you're right; society today is all about the "spectacle." All glitz and glamour, but very little underneath that.

I personally look at as a big (and increasing) steaming pile of shit with a thin bubble layer of perfumed glitter sprinkled all over it. But like all bubbles, they inevitably burst. Draw your own conclusions on my analogy...

2:44 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Dr. Helen
RE: Soooo....

....I often have posts or articles I want to share. -- Dr. Helen

....I take it that THAT is where that article about the 'good' in pornography came from....and the subsequent ration of 'ire'. Something like what you're doing here.

May I suggest a 'disclaimer' as part of such posts?


[Sarcasm: barbed ire.]

3:00 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Dr.Alistair said...

the damage is that teen-age girls emulate the id aspect of the 'art' and become objects themselves.

art is nothing if not contextual.

girls, gaga gets paid to exhibit.

4:23 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Cham said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:20 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Cham said...

Teen girls as objects: Who'd a thunk it?

Lady Gaga readily admits that she is bluffin with her muffin, and I appreciate her honesty. We all could use a little more of it.

5:28 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Dr.Alistair said...

no, no cham, i`m not criticising the`s just that someone...(i.e. the parents) could make the effort of providing context for thier little treasures so they don`t try to go to the teen dance dressed in a slingshot.....

5:37 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Cham said...

Beyonce is so pretty. She's so nice. She wins lots of awards. Everyone thinks she's peaches. She smiles. Unfortunately for Beyonce (according to her music) her man cheats on her, and right after she bought him a new car no less. Her man often leaves her. She often suffers from a broken heart and is a victim of love. She does all of this while wearing outfits that leave her boobies nearly popping out like perky grapefruit halves.

I'll go with an order of muffin, thank you very much.

6:05 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger blahga the hutt said...


Yeah I know, because modesty is such an awful thing, no? And then you wonder why our society sucks ass?

6:09 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Cham said...


I can only assume the thermostat at the Grammy's is set at 110F, otherwise why would everyone be walking around half naked?

6:17 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger blahga the hutt said...


Gee, I don't know. Maybe it has a lot to do with the glitz, glamour and steaming pile of crap I mentioned a couple of posts ago?

They do it because they simply feel like doing that at the time (id) and it also keeps a lot of gums flapping about them. But, I may ask, where is the substance to it all?

6:41 PM, February 02, 2010  
Blogger Chuck Pelto said...

TO: Cham
RE: Clever....But....

I can only assume the thermostat at the Grammy's is set at 110F, otherwise why would everyone be walking around half naked? -- Cham's more likely that they're all just so many sex-zombies, feeding on each other. As in your reference to Beyonce. Or Governor Sanford (SC).

And Gaga is just feeding their 'inner monster', telling them it's okay to be that way. However, as in your referent to Beyonce, there are repercussions. Severe ones at that.

It's sad to watch them self-destruct while destroying each other at the same time. I see it as a form of sexual sado-masochistic relationship. Just without the physical bondage and abuse.


[It's all in the head, ya know.]

3:32 AM, February 03, 2010  
Blogger Dr.Alistair said...

beta females trying too hard to attract an alpha man.

the alpha female knows that the men know what`s going on beneath.

she goes on about her business and can choose her man when she wants to.

all the rest have to "dress for success".

and they wonder why there is violence.

11:46 AM, February 03, 2010  
Blogger Cham said...

Lady Gaga doesn't worry about dressing provocatively. The solar system needs to adhere to a firm structured bodice.

1:09 PM, February 03, 2010  

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